Hello there and so sorry for any confusion about name changes.
Characters in Bit Heroes are subject to rename or ban if they are found to be harassing, vulgar, impersonating, or are otherwise reported as offensively named. Additionally, we block the use of our company and staff names, whole or partial, to prevent impersonation/phishing, harassment/toxicity, or other behaviors that are harmful to players or the community. Some players may find that their character name was recently changed after implementing this rule.
If your name was recently changed without your use of an Amnesia Token, you can contact us to request a courtesy rename to the a name of your choosing, provided it is acceptable within the community rules/guidelines.
Character name requirements:
- Use alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) character or dashes (-, _)
- Not contain offensive content
- Is between 3 and 16 characters
If you have an impersonator or harassment to report, please contact us and we will take care of that as soon as possible.