Changing a character name requires an Amnesia Token from the shop.
To change your character name:
- Load up Bit Heroes and open your player profile.
- Click the "HT" button to open your Hero Tag window.
- Click the "Change" Button
- Type in your new name and click the change button again.
Players can only update their name once every 14 days. Please be respectful. Creating an offensive or harassing name or impersonating other players or devs will lead to a forced name change and may include a temporary or permanent ban.
Along with a profanity filter, some names are blocked from use such as those that are offensive, NSFW or inappropriate for PG audiences, and names that contain official and company names.
Character name requirements:
- Use alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) character or dashes (-, _)
- Not contain offensive content
- Is between 3 and 16 characters